Pupil Premium Report 2023/24
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 with a clear message from the government that schools had the freedom to choose how to spend the funds but they would be held accountable for its impact. Pupil Premium is allocated to schools to narrow the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.
Current research and recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation are used to inform the provision for children in receipt of Pupil Premium. We also recognise the '12 Ways to Maximise Pupil Premium' as identified by former Pupil Premium Champion John Dunford:
1. Excellent collection, analysis and use of data relating to individual pupils and groups.
2. Unerring focus on the quality of teaching.
3. Identification of the main barriers to learning for PP eligible pupils.
4. Frequent monitoring of the progress of every PP eligible pupil.
5. When a pupil's progress slows, interventions are put in place rapidly.
6. Every effort is made to engage parents and carers in the education and progress of their child.
7. If poor attendance is an issue, this is addressed as a priority.
8. Evidence (especially the Education Endowment Foundation Toolkit) is used to decide on which strategies are likely to be most effective in overcoming barriers to learning.
9. Staff (teachers and support staff) are trained in depth on the chosen strategies.
10. 100% buy-in from all staff to the importance of the PP agenda is essential, with all staff conveying positive and aspirational messages to PP eligible pupils. Performance management is used to reinforce the importance of PP effectiveness.
11. Effectiveness of teaching assistants is evaluated and, if necessary, increased through training and improved deployment.
12. Governors are to be trained on PP.
Every child is entitled to high quality teaching.
Please click here to see our Pupil Premium statement for 2023/24