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Moulton School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Mrs Clayton and I (Mrs Teal) would like to welcome you to our class page.

Below, you will find some useful information about what is going on in the Year 4 classroom this year.


At Moulton, we aim to develop a life-long love of reading. Reading is central to everything we do in school and we love sharing engaging and exciting texts with the children. 

Children will bring home a reading book from our school library each day. 

If your child is reading on our Read Write Inc. scheme, your child will be given a Read Write Inc. reading book to take home. These are changed on a three read cycle. More information on this will be shared on our Class Dojo page. 


All children have an array of beautiful, high-quality texts to choose from that includes fiction, non-fiction and poetry. 


In Y4, we will continuously explore high quality texts. These will change over the half terms and this is what we will base our English work on in lessons.

The children will also continue to develop an understanding of the spelling, punctuation and grammar that is expected in Year 4. Children in Y4 will be given spellings to practise at home and we will be using 'Spelling Shed' to consolidate these later in the year. 


  • Autumn: Gorilla and Leon and the Place Inbetween
  • Spring: Escape from Pompeii and When the Giant Stirred
  • Summer: Where the River Meets the Sea and Blue John  


The children will learn a variety of mathematical skills including problem solving through White Rose Maths. It is very important that the children are practising their times tables weekly as it is helps in most areas of maths and future learning. Also, all children in Y4 will complete a multiplication test later in the year.

There a variety of resources available to practise these including writing them down, chanting/singing, online platforms like ‘Hit the Button’ or playing on Times Table Rock Stars.

Children will also have the Y4 Multiplication Check in June - look out for information about this on Class Dojo nearer the time.


PE is taught on Thursdays and Fridays in Year 4.

As we have an 'active wear' uniform, children do not need a separate PE kit. If children are wearing the 'old' Moulton School uniform, on PE days they will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit (blue/white shorts or navy jogging bottoms with a school top and trainers). It is worth noting that many of our non-uniform days are held on a Friday and it is important that the children still have their PE kit available on these days to ensure they can take part in PE safely. 


 *Earrings must be removed at home on P.E days.


We keep you up-to-date and communicate via Class Dojo. Keep an eye on our class story for information on what we have been learning as well as important reminders. You can also keep track of your child's behaviour and see how many dojos they have been awarded.  


Year 4 Team