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Moulton School

Activity Jigsaw

As part of our creative curriculum, we have put together an activity jigsaw. Each piece represents an activity or experience that every child at Moulton School will have the opportunity to take part in. Every year group has 7 pieces. It is our hope that every child completes their jigsaw by the time they leave us in Year 6.

A key feature of our vision is developing children's character, confidence, health and resilience. The jigsaw will introduce children to a wide variety of opportunities to help develop these key life skills.

Within the list of activities, children will find things they want to come back to again and again. For some children, they will experience something they have never done before.

The jigsaw supports our school’s co-curriculum offer to further enhance the development of each child through inspiring them to problem-solve and to see and visit new places and develop wide interests in new subjects. Within the pieces are opportunities for children to engage in social action that helps them make positive changes for themselves and others.

The development of a firm foundation of wellbeing and resilience in our pupils is central to our school. Immersing children in activities that can build their confidence, develop their curiosity and support their growth beyond academic attainment, so they can enjoy emotional wellbeing throughout their lives is very important.

Our activity jigsaw takes pride of place in our school so all the children can see what lies ahead on their exciting journey in Moulton School.

Our Activity Jigsaw: